pediatric chiropractic

In the first few years of life, we know that kids will have rapid neurodevelopment. In fact, 65% of neurological development happens within the first year of life! Think of all the amazing things your kids are experiencing, learning, and doing!

As pediatric chiropractors, we know that even kids can have stress causing interference in their neuro-spinal system. From birth trauma, to everyday bumps and bruises, growing up can be hard!

A specific analysis and gentle adjustment allow us to tap into your kids God-given potential. Both doctors have pursued extensive training through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, and Dr. Nate has his Pediatric Certification through Pediatric Experience.

Healthy kids grow into healthy adults. We desire to watch the generations to come grow up connected + thriving!

pediatric chiropractic care has improvement in:

  • less illness and/or faster recovery

  • behaviors, concentration, and focus

  • regulating digestion

  • sleep struggles

  • colic

  • mood regulation

  • flat spots on head

  • head tilted/rotated to one side

  • breastfeeding/latch struggles

  • tongue or lip ties