Pregnancy + Chiropractic

Pregnancy is such a beautiful and exciting time, but I’m also aware that it can be a period of a lot of opinions from others. Throughout pregnancy, many people normalize symptoms and while they are certainly common, they don’t have to be your normal. There are so many physical, chemical, emotional, and spiritual changes throughout this time and it’s important that your body is well supported!

As much as chiropractic care can help with symptoms such as round ligament pain, sciatica, low back pain, and pubic symphysis dysfunction - there’s more to the story. As a mama to be, it’s important that your nervous system is well adaptable and working optimally. Not only does the nervous system control all other functions of the body, but you and your baby will essentially share a nervous system. Whatever you are feeling, they also feel. So as a prenatal chiropractor, I am looking at two major things when adjusting mamas:

  1. A well-balanced nervous system! This system will not only control the neurodevelopment of your baby in utero, but will also control all the hormones that will control surges, dilation, and pelvic movement during birth.

  2. A balanced pelvis and surrounding tissues! We want to make sure that mom's pelvis is in the best position to allow optimal space for baby.

Research shows that prenatal chiropractic care contributes to a more straightforward labor with less pain and trauma for mother and child. It can improve the balance and alignment of the spine and pelvis and provide a more comfortable pregnancy and delivery for mother and baby.

Along with this, not only is the physical preparation for birth important, but just as much so is the mental aspect. My prayer and passion is that every woman feels well supported, educated, and empowered in her pregnancy. You were not only made for this pregnancy and birth, but created specifically to be this child’s mother.

I am certified in the Webster Technique from International Chiropractic Pediatric Association! This is a pregnancy specific chiropractic technique and I firmly believe that if you’re searching for a chiropractor during pregnancy, they should be certified in this!

Please reach out with any questions in regards to prenatal chiropractic care.

With gratitude,

Dr. Ryanne


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